Contact (218) 349-9266 | Josh@Forest.Solutions

Harvesting of Merchantable Timber on Private and Agency Owned Lands
Timber Harvesting is one of the most utilized forest management solutions offered by Hull Forest Products. We would love to meet with you, walk your property and discuss your harvest goals.
We specialize in a variety of timber harvesting techniques to meet and exceed landowner objectives.
When it comes to a timber harvest, experience is of the utmost importance. Soil conditions, tree species, terrain features, and landowner objectives all play vital roles in determining how to best manage a parcel of land. Hull Forest Products has the flexibility, versatility, and experience to best match equipment and harvest technique to each job. Some jobs require clear cutting to maximize forest health whereas others require the finesse of selective cutting. Understanding when and how to use these techniques, in combination, results in a professional final product.
Now is the time to start thinking about next winter's firewood. Save the hassle of trying to find wood in the fall. Buy now to get ahead of the fall surge.
